About Smart WFM
Smart WFM is an Australian consulting company specialising in maximising people experience, productivity and compliance for their clients. Their offerings include strategy, vision, business case creation, operating model design, product configuration and benefits measurement.
‘My wife Michelle and I have always had a personal interest in Indigenous literacy and education, and we saw the Australian Business Book Awards as a great initiative to support that,’ said Jarrod McGrath, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Smart WFM and author of The Digital Workforce.
The McGrath family’s involvement with Indigenous literacy stems from daughter Molly signing up for the City2Surf run at the age of 10 and choosing to run for the Cathy Freeman Foundation.
‘Molly told us after she had registered and then we received a call from the Cathy Freeman Foundation thanking us for our support. We’ve stayed connected to the organisation and in fact the whole family have run every year since,’ said McGrath.
Smart WFM has continued to support the Cathy Freeman Foundation, donating a portion of revenues to the Foundation as part of the company’s commitment to the Pledge 1% initiative. Michelle McGrath is also writing a book with Indigenous Voice to help educate kids about Indigenous history.
‘Education is critical for our young people as they enter the workforce, contributing to their work success, financial security, self-esteem and overall happiness,’ said McGrath. ‘I think it is important that businesses not only look after their own workforces but help the next generation too, particularly with the nature of how we work changing so rapidly.’