2024 entry categories

The entry categories for the Australian Business Book Awards have been determined by the most common themes in business and business-related books. If you are considering entering the awards and you are not sure which category or which categories best suit your book, please contact the award organisers for advice.

Each book can be entered in one or two categories. The categories are selected in the entry form during the entry process.

You do not have to enter your book in the Book of the Year or Best Cover category – all books are automatically entered into these two. The Book of the Year will be awarded from the subject category winners. There is no entry fee for these two categories.

Choose one or two of these categories to enter your book into:

Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Starting a business, selling a business, business innovation, bookkeeping, business development, start-up funding, crowdfunding, home-based businesses, and similar topics


Ethics, socially responsible supply chains, socially responsible business management, socially responsible lifestyles, environmental issues, social issues, responsible investing, and similar topics

Personal Development

General self-help, time management, career development, business skills, self-esteem, social skills, personal communication, grief and bereavement, spirituality, networking, public speaking, and similar topics

Communications and Sales

Marketing theory and methods, sales theory and methods, social media theory and methods, PR theory and methods, advertising, branding, and similar topics

Personal Finance and Investment

Financial planning, investment, retirement, shares, property, personal taxation, portfolio management, superannuation, trusts, personal insurance, budgeting, personal accounting, personal bankruptcy, and similar topics

Management and HR

Business management theory and methods, HR theory and methods, recruitment, business accounting, risk management, outsourcing, workplace health and safety, business ethics, diversity in business, business administration, business insurance, business bankruptcy, change management, negotiating, and similar topics


Leadership theory and methods, empowering others, team building, and similar topics


Using technology in business, technology trends, software, e-commerce, automation, digital workplaces, IT development, cloud services, internet, multimedia, computer networks, content management, artificial intelligence, and similar topics

Health and Wellbeing

Fitness, yoga, meditation, Pilates, dental, physio, mental health, parenting, allergies, beauty, childbirth, diet and nutrition, weight loss, diseases, exercise, first aid, healthy living, happiness, naturopathy, disability, gender and sexuality, ageing, pain management, psychology, sleep, healing, intuition, and similar topics

General Business

Business biographies and autobiographies, economics, reference books, legal issues, education, importing and exporting, globalisation, media, communications, environmental issues, taxation, religion, non-profits, training, family issues, agriculture, engineering, science, cooking, trade, creativity, manufacturing, and topics not covered in other categories.

All books are automatically entered into these two categories:

Best Cover Design

Best cover based on sophistication and quality of design, the suitability of the design for the genre and target audience, how well the design would encourage readers to pick up the book, how well the design reflects the content of the book, and other criteria. All books are automatically entered into the best cover category unless the author opts out during the entry process.

Book of the Year

The Book of the Year is awarded to the book with the best overall score as determined by the judges. Entrants can’t enter this as a category – it is an award that will be announced on the Awards night.


The Australian Business Book Awards are run as not for profit, and any profits will be donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation – a fantastic organisation doing extraordinary things to raise the level of literacy throughout Indigenous communities in Australia.